Blog Layout


R. Ross Whalen • May 06, 2021
Good Morning: Yes, it is once again five twelve a.m. or zero five twelve if you prefer. I have to start my day job in a couple of hours, so I have some time to write a blog post. Here is where my difficulty lies. Or should we say it in a much better English turn of phrase herein lies my difficulty.

Either way, my mind is quite blank this morning. We have used this blog to promote our work and services, had guest bloggers provide blog posts, and truly ranted in a manner better suited for private conversations than open discussions.

I have personally ranted on about hate and racism. We have discussed the Pyrateheart Press’s belief in the Four Great Pleasures in Life. We have interviewed authors and discussed such subjects as sex, writing, editing, taking care of yourself, and a hundred other ideas revolved around writing.

We have sent you videos of music and fun. Discussed top five and eight items just so we wouldn’t be doing top tens like everyone else. By now you understand my dilemma. I am looking for something fresh to write about. Something which doesn’t include politics, Covid-19, money, or anything which will depress you and me right now. I certainly don’t like to start my morning off with depressing thoughts. Puts my whole mood off. 

Nor do I want to talk about commas, periods, ellipsis, or anything to do with grammar or editing as a whole. I seem to be limiting myself to almost nothing available to discuss, haven’t I? So, what should we talk about? 

Food? Food is always a great subject around our house. We are a Keto family. With my diabetes and my wife’s health issues, following a Keto health plan for eating has proven to be the right thing for us. At first it seemed all we did was eat bacon. Loads of bacon. However, thanks to my wife’s cunning, and willingness to try new things, she has developed an entire recipe line which works for us. We rarely miss those things Keto forbids.

Of course, I cheat. I adore potatoes so I find myself eating potatoes when I shouldn’t and drinking cokes when I should drink water. Yes, I am a failed Ketoist okay?

I have failed at many things. Yet, I keep going because, well; what is the alternative? Stopping? All that does is lead to finding yourself awake one morning under a bridge homeless and helpless. I will stop there. I refuse to discuss the homeless right now. It will turn into a political rant on a scale no one wants to hear first thing in the morning. Especially me.

Yet, failure is a good place to start a discussion. It is in our mistakes, our failures we learn from the most. We grow the most. I failed at both my first marriage and second even though I never married the second woman. Each a fantastic failure worthy of praise at how awful I truly failed. I mean it was epic. 

I came away hurt, confused, angry, and in a funk for years afterwards. It was in this time frame I came up with the Four G’s. Good Food, Good Fun, Good Friends, and Great Sex. I figured they were all you needed to enjoy life. I even developed a speaking series about the subject of the Four Great Pleasures in Life.

But was I right? Yes, I still think they are essential to being happy. The Four G’s come in many forms. However, what about love? Is love essential to being happy. Until I met my wife, Yvonne (Bonnie) my Wifesty, I would have told you no. I still am not sure if love is essentially a happy thing for most people. However, for me, my Wifesty is my world. The sun rises and sets in her smile and her eyes light up my own heart. So yes, for me, now; love is essential. For others? Probably not. 

And yet, if I had not failed so tragically, I would not have met her. My failures in life and love led me to her. So, did I fail or was I simply being led to my final destination? 

In truth, I don’t care why or how I ended up with Yvonne. I simply care that she chose to be with me. End of story period. Nothing more is needed for me.

Failures are great building tools for life if you survive them. Many don’t. I didn’t in truth. All I did was decide to keep going. That, in itself, is hard enough for most. I know this to be absolutely true. Which is why I try my best not to judge people too harshly. I have been down at the bottom. It is a hard thing looking up, but it is easy to look down. I refuse to look down on people. It is a choice really, and one I make each time I am with a person.

“Judge not” is one of God’s hardest commands. One we all fail at daily, sometimes hourly. Yet, from failure we grow, do we not? 
I find I need to eat something (which I don’t want to do) and to get my hair into a semblance or some kind of order (also something I don’t want to do), so I will leave you with this parting thought: what has failure done for you?

I’m Ross, the Editor-in-Chief at The Pyrateheart Press and I’m out.
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